Make a donation for our work to continue!

The Horus Institute is a nonprofit organization founded in March, 2002, to develop management and regultions on invasive alien species especially in Brazil and throughout Latin America. Some of our ongoing activities depend on small sums provided by donations, and include much voluntary work:

a) maintenance of the Brazil National Invasive Alien Species Database – funds are used to hire professionals in biological or related sciences to review data sent by collaborators and update the database. This work requires the involvement of scientists, taxonomists and field practitioners;

b) Volunteering program in Florianopolis, Brazil – funds are used to buy tools, mainly hand saws, and gloves, as well as to compensate professional chainsaw operators needed to cut down large trees;

c) risk assessments – funds are needed for more assessments to be carried out and made available online. We would like to compile a risk assessment database over time, with details of the information used, to serve as references in policy development and environmental management;

d) website updates and maintenance – programming is sometimes needed to update and improve the website, as well as to include updates especially on legislation, risk assessments, scientific publications and others of interest to the general public;

e) research projects – these are mainly aimed at finding solutions for practical management, such as figuring out control methods for species that are difficult to eliminate, e.g. Furcraea foetida (Mauritius hemp).

Donate: bank account details
Instituto Hórus de Desenvolvimento e Conservação Ambiental
Bank name: SICOOB
Ag. 3069 (Branch)
cc 241342-6 (account number)
CNPJ 05.048.478/0001-05
Please send us a message to identify your contribution.

Thank you very much! It is not easy to keep an NGO running in a country that does not have support policies for the third sector. This is an exercise in citizenship and a demonstration of caring for the planet, the country and life on Earth!